Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Recent Gnomely Happenings

Well, some news.

I'm still making soaps and have tried many many many different things!

I have one major thing that I need to remember though, and also tell you.

Note: Never use real fruits or their juices in soap (with the exception of lemon juice).

It rots.

Anywho, other than this, I have found many things that do work! Like coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, and pumpkin spice.

OH!!! And I got two new molds. This rectangle one you see below, and an oval one just like it.

Coffee, Strawberry, and Cinnamon

Chamomile Tea

Orange Slices, Rosemary, and Blueberry

Vanilla, Poppy Seeds, Dill, Lemon

I also tried poppy seed. It seems to be popular, but I personally do not like is the black speckled soaps in the last picture.

I'm having a lot of fun with this new idea, and new hobby. It is very relaxing after a day of work, and editing.

Talking about that, I am considering starting a writer's platform for myself, to raise awareness of my book so hopefully I'll be able to be published some day. I still have a long way to go on my book, but maybe I can do it...

I am definitely going to be praying about this sort of thing. I have a lot of decisions coming up, and I am very good at worrying.
Handsome Gnome is good at reminding me to trust God through this.
And I know that He is in control...
Sometimes I just need to sit back and see where He is leading me...I've had to do that this year already, trusting Him. He closed a door, and now I'm waiting for His guidance again.

So, all that to say, trust God. :) He always knows what He is doing, even if we can't always see the big picture...

Now, back to editing!