Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting Close!

Hello peoples!

So, I've been working on my book. Guys. I'm almost done!! After editing and reading it to remind myself what my 16-17 year old self was envisioning has been difficult. However, I think I'm close!! I will still have major editing to do, but I'm almost done with the writing process. I plan on publishing it, so, I will definitely let you know when I do!

So, in addition to my job and writing, I'm trying out teaching. I'd love to be able to teach kids, but whether or not I can actually do it is the big question. I know I'd like to write a study guide/plan for teaching environmental science, but I want to see the kids actually see and understand what they are learning. This is why I would want to teach and why I want to teach my kids one day. I was homeschooled and loved the experience.
Anyway, tomorrow I head out for volunteer training at an outdoor garden. I get to be one of the people I always wanted to be in high-school! However, this will be my first real experience at teaching. Tomorrow is just the training, but I am still nervous. This volunteer work will help me see if this is what I want to do though, which is good! I would love prayers as I try and figure this out.

I also just finished reading Mockingjay this morning, part of the Hunger Games trilogy. And oh my word....I haven't recovered. It was emotionally traumatizing. I have been waiting because everyone I knew that had read it said it made them miserable....but, I survived. I'm not sure what I am going to do when the movie comes out.

I also, for some odd reason, have started playing solitaire on my computer. Its the only game on my computer, so...when I want to waste time, it is what I do. My sister thinks it is really odd. I guess I am a bit odd.

OH! This weekend we went to the lake and I rode on the tube. It was so much fun, however...
I injured my knee while playing volleyball so I have been unable to do a lot of things. I thought that riding the tube would not mess with it, it wasn't like I was kneeboarding or anything. Not only are my legs sore from doing a couple of tricks, my knee won't support my weight very well if I bend it a certain way.
Riding the tube was a lot of fun, but I think I'll be feeling this for awhile.
And don't worry little reader, I am going to be going to the doctor soon about my knee. I went to a nurse practitioner and she told me I only had inflammation... Needless to say I'm going to the professionals this next time. I'm sure I have tendonitis in my knee (I have it in my wrist and elbow) but I'm not sure what else.

Well, this has been one of my longer posts. Until next time!!

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