Friday, August 29, 2014

Random Day in Lovely Gnome's Life

These posts are simply just 'Normal Posts'. :) They will contain thoughts and experiences for that day or several days (depending on how well I keep up with it).

So, today was pretty much an average day. I worked. I drank coffee. That's what my days almost always consist of. :)

However, there is something new I've started today! I began working on a 'Weekly Bible Post'. This will be another category here on my blog.

This is my work space. It has my crafting and teaching stuff all within reach of my chair.
I'm working on the 'Weekly Bible Post' in this picture. I have my caramel coffee, my notebook, and my extra large ESV study Bible. (And yes, that is an Avengers pen...)

I also had a huge blessing this afternoon. About mid-week, I realized that money was tight. I had signed up to go to a college conference, drove a lot, and had other random expenses this week. On my drive to work this morning, I talked to God about it. This afternoon I had a sweet note from my employer (I'm a nanny) with a gift card. A little extra gift this week. It meant so much to me.

I'm thinking about crafting a bit tonight. I mostly use these things called SMASH*books, though I do scrapbook a little. I'm just not the most organized person in the world. I know I'm definitely going to work on my schedule for this Nature Study class I'm helping teach, but more about that later! On a day I'm actually teaching it.

Tonight, I am hanging out with my family, watching a new tv show that we like called 'Person of Interest' and eating hot dogs. Yes...very healthy. Though they are organic, so not as bad as they could be. ;)

Today has been a very good day!

My verse today comes from my favorite Psalm, chapter 103.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!" Psalms 103:1

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