Monday, March 2, 2015

Hunny Nut Bubbles, Embeds, and Chapter 8

Ah, so much snow. The past few weeks have been crazy. We have gotten a total of 13 inches of snow and an inch of ice over the course of two weeks. For this area, that's kinda crazy.

But, it allowed me to get a ton of editing done on my story!! I had writer's black for the longest time, but when I was stuck in the house, sitting by the fire, I made it to chapter 8!! Which was great progress. So much writing, and then a whole page marked out in red. That was a sad moment... There is just something heartbreaking about looking at a scene and cutting it out of my book. But, it was horrible. It had to go...
Farewell, little scene...

Anyway, I have also had more time these past weeks to keep working on more soap combinations! I also bought colors to make colored soaps, those should be coming today.

This one is my Hunny Nut Bubbles! It has honey, almond oil, and oat meal in it. The base is Shea Butter base, and all of this makes it a very moisturizing soap! And it has definitely helped these lizard hands of mine. I also tried doing this as a loaf mold. I won't be doing that again. It made for weird lines and strangely shaped soap. Maybe one day I will try again, maybe when I get a silicone one instead of a metal loaf pan lined with wax paper.

 I have also been trying a few techniques, including embedding things in my soap.
Such as rubber ducks!!

I tried to make it look like it was swimming in a pond by putting dill into the soap. Makes for a very interesting smelling soap.

Now that June is getting closer, which will be Lovely Gnome's Essentials debut, I am going to start posting in a new section for my soaps. It is crazy how quickly this past month went, and I have a lot to think about....

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