Thursday, March 19, 2015

Planning and Studios

That time is coming....
I know that June is so far away, but I like being prepared.

June is when I am going to really kick off my soaps, and I just want to make sure I am prepared and things run smoothly. I have started setting up an Etsy shop, which you will see a link for on my sidebar. I'll post more about it when I actually have it done! There isn't much to see at the moment. I'm hoping that it'll raise awareness for my soaps, and maybe help people that I meet in June to find me again, or tell their friends about me!

So that is something I've been working on, but I have also made myself a studio! I have been wanting my own space to do my scrapbooking and writing. I just finally decided to clean up and do it.

Oh yes, look at me being an adult. I have organized my closet and dresser. I have also started tackling the mess that is the top of my dresser...that's been quite a task, but not as exciting as my studio.

So, a bunch of kids used this room the night before, and made it very exciting.

You just can't really experience the full aroma and sticky-ness of this place. Yes, the floor looks clean, but I was stuck too it.

It was intense.

Let's just say I never knew that I had this love/hate relationship with applesauce.

So, after sweeping away cheese square crumbs and mopping the floor FOUR times, I finally got this:

Yes, the picture is a bit blurry, but it was with my phone and it's dark. Anyway, you get the point. I was able to get the place clean.

Then it was time to set up my desk stuff. Handsome Gnome's brother gave me this desk and I am so excited to finally have somewhere to put it!! I still have to move a reclining chair in here, and also organize everything, but I wanted to go ahead and get everything in here.

So now, yay! I have a writing/crafting studio to work in!

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