Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Doctors, Cars, and Risotto

Yes, I was unable to go to my training today. My knee was killing me so I had to cancel. Two hours on my feet would have caused me to be in a lot of pain.

So instead, I went to my grandparent's house!! A couple of weeks ago...wait. Did I tell you about the award I earned a couple of Sunday's ago??? No? Well, not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before I earned an award. I changed my third tire in the span of 5ish months. That has to be some sort of record. Anyway, my tire was flat as I drove down the highway and a car pulled up beside me to let me know it was. (THANK YOU RANDOM GUY!!) I was driving 70mph down the highway on a flat tire....needless to say I would have smelled the hot rubber in about five minutes because the smell knocked me out when I pulled over and got out of my car. So, I had made it to the point to where I was attempting to get the lug-nuts off of the tire when a man pulled up to help me. (Once again, thank you random other guy.) Lovely Gnome's way of getting said lug-nuts off of a tire is hopping up and down on the wrench. I'm only 5'2"...and let's just say Handsome Gnome says I weigh .7lbs when holding a 50lb weight. So, hopping up and down on a wrench is the only way I can get the lug-nuts off. However, the man pulled over and I got to sit and watch him change my tire. I was also in my church clothes so that didn't help either.

Anywho, this story leads me to today's story. My grandpa and I went to the tire shop to get my car realigned and a new tire put on it so I could have a spare again. I have been a super cautious driver this week without a spare...

After that, I finally went to the doctor about my knee, and got referred to a specialist. I will probably end up having to get a MRI. SCARY. I am so claustrophobic. But apparently all I'll have to do is put my legs in, not my top half. That makes it a bit better.

Now, I am sitting here writing this blog post and thinking about my next Bible post. There wasn't one for last week, sorry about that. Finding out that we are going through John threw me off a bit so I'm studying 1 Peter for them now. I am working on it though!!! I love this first part of 1 Peter. It is all about the hope we get from knowing Jesus. Without Him, we have no hope, but with Him we do!!! There is a little preview. ;)

Also, to help my mom out a bit, I am fixing a supper dish that she wanted to try. She is feeling a bit tired so I thought I'd tackle the dish for her. It is a summer risotto which sounds delicious. Wish me luck dear readers!!

I may have an update for you on my book tomorrow. :)

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