Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Rescue!

Labor day. A great day off to do whatever you want. So what did we do? We went to the lake!!

So I, my family, my grandparents, and Handsome Gnome went on an adventure!

The day was beautiful, though maybe a little on the warm side. The water felt great! And the company was wonderful.

However, what does my title mean?? Well...there were two rescues that need mentioning.

First rescue, ours.

We just finished floating around in the water and taking pictures. Everything was going great! And now, it was time to sail off again and find somewhere a bit shadier for lunch. The ignition key was turned, the engine started, then nothing.


We were in the middle of the lake and our engine wouldn't crank. So, my dad and grandpa started digging around and tugging at wires.

A blown fuse.

You can catch those on the end of a fishing line, right?

Anywho, they tried figuring out how to make it work long enough to get us back to the marina. A boat drove by to see if we were ok. YAY!!! He had the kind of fuse we needed at his dock and brought it back to us and a boat to boat hand-off was performed.

We set off again and everything went great!

As we were floating around, cooking supper on the onboard grill, we saw a suspicious looking scene. In the middle of this little cove was a raft with someone on it waving something. There were other boats around, so we were going to keep going, but no one seemed to be paying attention to the rafter.
Deciding to check it out, we found this little older couple whose engine had given out. The lady was the one on the raft trying to signal for help since their waving and boat honking wasn't bringing anyone to their aid.
So, we hooked their boat to our boat and pulled them back to the docks.
I'm so glad we saw them and decided to stop! I will definitely be watching out better for these type of people now that I have been on the receiving end. So many people had passed them by before we finally stopped.

So, those are the rescues of Labor Day Rescue! Exciting, right?

Hope everyone had an amazing Labor Day!

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