Monday, September 15, 2014

This Week's Happenings

So, if you can't tell, this week has been pretty busy. Started Tuesday and finally ended today! So now, dear readers, I am back to tell you about it.
Also, I get a bit distracted. If I'm not listening to music or something, I tend to not keep my focus on what it is I am trying to accomplish. Which is something that I figured out in school.


Where did I leave off? Monday night? So, first off is Tuesday.

Tuesday was my training and introduction to the garden where I am volunteering!! Hopefully I will be able to pursue this and it will help me figure out what to do in the future. I go to another training session tomorrow and then I will be ready to head out into the garden to help!!

Ah, Wednesday. Small group! We started our Bible study that night. You'll never guess what we are studying!!!! JOHN!!! So, it was pretty amazing. It was alot of fun and I learned new things. This is something I like about studying the Bible with other people. I can see things I might not have seen before, or I can show them the things I see. It was alot of fun getting to know the girls a bit more and studying John 1:1-18 with them. I look forward to this week and the next installment of John!!
Because of this, I will be doing a different book of the Bible in my weekly Bible posts. Perhaps 1 Peter, another one of my favorite books of the Bible.

Thursday. What was Thursday? OH YEAH!!! I went on a wonderful date with Handsome Gnome. :) We ate Applebee's  and watched the Expendables 3. Yes, I watched it before I watched the second one, but he said I wasn't going to be confused by anything. I wasn't and the movie was great!! Jason Statham and Antonio Banderas are some of my favorite "shoot-em-up" movie actors. And they are in it. But probably the highlight of the movie was Harrison Ford. He ranks right up there in the top ten of my favorite actors. I love the Indiana Jones movies and I like Han Solo, so...yes. He ranks way on up there.
I always enjoy going on dates with Handsome Gnome. Since he is back in school, it is harder for us to go on them.

Friday and Saturday, a conference!! I went to this college Bible conference hosted by my church. It was an amazing experience!! I went with Handsome Gnome and a few other of my friends.

 Yes, the guys sat on the ground to stretch their legs out. It was great.

I learned a lot this weekend. Lots of amazing speakers and messages. We are sent and meant to go and spread the Word. Whether it is nationally, internationally, in the workplace, or a village. God sends us anywhere and everywhere.

Sunday was a normal Sunday. Early to church, brunch with my friends, and hanging out with my family. I did go to the mall with my mom and sister and found a pair of $50 jeans for $17. Yes, I did. Don't judge...this isn't normal. I don't do this often. I had a gift card and decided to go get a new pair of colored jeans.

Today, Monday. This was a long work day, but I survived!! I also decided on going to a beach retreat with my college Bible group. I know some of my small group people are going and it will be a good time for me to get to know them a little better. Plus, its the beach. I love the beach. I want to stay at the beach forever. Sorry, sidenote. I just love the beach. And the weather is supposed to be nice!!!

So, yes. I didn't fall off the face of the earth! I have just been really busy. I had a great week, and a great time at the conference.
Now, off to watch Person of Interest with the family.

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